Benefits of Bottle Feeding a Baby

If there were no advantages to bottle feeding, no one who was able to breastfeed would never return back to formula. But there some very real advantages of bottle feeding and for some mothers they are compelling even in the midst of breastfeeding benefits.

Longer Satisfaction.

Infant’s formula made from cow's milk is takes longer to digest that breast milk. When a baby takes a formula it lasts for hours but because breast milk is easily and quickly digested, many nursing newborns feed so often that sometimes it seems as though they are permanently attached to their mother's breast. This tends to be stressful and time consuming for mum.

More participation from Dad.

Dads can share in the pleasure of baby feeding when baby is bottle fed, something that is impossible for Dad to participate when you only breastfeed.

More Participation from older siblings.

It will be a pleasure for an older child to take care of his or her new baby when given a feeding bottle. This is also a huge form of relief for mum.
Less embarrassment for the modest.

While the nursing mother may receive curious glances when she chooses to breastfeed her baby in public, no one will look twice at a woman bottle feeding her baby. Neither will the bottle-feeding mother need to worry about the awkward procedure for redressing after feeding is done. This sometimes proves to be embarrassing to some mother.

Whether you want to breast feed or child or bottle feed your child or even use both resides in your wise decision. Do more research about this topic or most important of all inquire your doctor, I think that will make matters better.

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