If you have been wondering about this Google Ad sense thing and how you can benefit from it, I assure you that you have arrived at the right blog! Just sit back and let me make the time you spent searching for this article worthwhile.
A way to Earn Real Money Online
Firstly, I will start by telling you that Google Ad sense is one of the real ways you can use to earn money working online. It is not one of the "Get paid $1000 a day scheme." It is pretty real! So how can I earn from it and what should I know about it?
Displays Relevant Ads on your Website or Blog
Google Ad sense is a program which enables you to displays relevant ads on your website or blog. In a simple term, Google Ad sense is all about advertisers who pay Google to advertise their company, product, group, website or even a program for them.
These advertisers pay Google for the services rendered to them. But there is something interesting to know! Google is not selfish enough to advertise it only on their portals; so they gave you and I an opportunity to advertise for those companies and receive some amount of money paid to them. Through this way Google pays you a certain amount of money once a visitor clicks on those advertisement.
It is a Pay Per Click Program.
You need to understand that Google Ad sense is a pay per click program (PPC). The specific amount Google pays for each click your ads receives is still unknown. It is a top secret which Google refused to reveal. However, you can receive a payment for a click as low as $0.1 and as high as $100. This simply suggests that there are factors which affect the earnings your ads receive.
There is no room for inferiority complex!
Google ad sense is not developed for a special category of people. It is for people like you who are willing to learn and work for it. When you work on your website or blog and abide by the Google dos and don’ts about ad sense, you will definitely receive your payment irrespective of your social status.
Google Ad sense is not a Get Rich Quick Scheme!
There is one big mistake new ad sense publishers do make and if I don't point it out here I will hold myself responsible if you get disapproved because of it! Google ad sense is not a get rich quick program period! Many new publishers do research about ad sense and to their greatest amazement people makes hundred and thousands of dollars via ad sense just by posting articles to their websites or blogs. So they develop their own blog with ad sense enabled hoping to get thousands of dollars like others.
To their greatest surprise, their earnings will not be worthwhile then curiosity takes place, so they start to click on their own ads which would easily get them disapproved for life in the ad sense program. Don't be deceived by bloggers who knows the bitter truth about ad sense but prefers to feed you with sweet lies about it.
Without Traffic there will be no Earnings.
Let us think of Ad sense like this: A business man with a shop and he kept his goods inside it. In a day he gets 100 customers coming to buy goods from him. Your website or blog and your unique articles signify your shop and your ads are your commodities.
A customer can come to a shop and refuse to buy from the shop because you did not have what he requested for! In the same way a visitor can visit your website or blog without clicking on your ads because it is not what he/she wants to read about which means no earnings for you. But you will agree with me that the more visitors (customers) visit your website or blog (shop) the more likely they are to click on your ads (buy from your shop).
This is where traffic comes in. Google Ad sense and traffic works hand in hand for you to see better earnings. As a new blogger, if you can't boast of 80 unique visitors a day, you can’t earn any money worthwhile in ad sense.
Don't give up! There is no easy way to earn money.
At this stage I guess you may be thinking of quitting. Don't give up! There is no easy way to earn money. Courage and perseverance says it all! Keep writing unique original article and don't bother about your earnings during your early stage.
Even the most successful ad sense publishers passed through this phase before getting those thousands of dollars you read about! I suggest you share your website or blog on any popular social network and tell friends and family about it. If you have Visa Card or Master Card...., paying for Google advertisement (Ad word) or Face book ads will also contribute to a greater earnings for your website blog.
I wish you a good ad sense experience, bye and see you soon when I write more to you about Google Ad sense.
You may like to sign up for Google Ad sense.
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