Not only that, but each Galaxy is rushing away from all the others, faster and faster. And the farther they get, the faster they go. The monk would think you were mad." The point Mr. Harris is making is that either viewpoint we take- the "traditional religious viewpoint about the existence of God" or the "dominant scientific viewpoint about the non-existence of God" involves faith.
I could also remember that in our geography class during my secondary school days, we were meant to believe that earth was formed by the accumulation of dust particles about 6 billion years ago. But how sure are they? Don't you think they say those things based on faith as we do have faith in Christ Jesus.
All I am trying to explain is that whether we embrace the normal religious viewpoint about the existence of God or the dominant scientific viewpoint about non-existence of God, it still involves faith.
An atheist may say that our believe in the existence of God does not make sense, yet they arrive at their own decision based on faith. The birth, baptism, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus may not make sense to them because they try to understand the will of God based on their own limited thinking.
What they failed to understand is that God have made the foolish things of the world; Oh things that are disregarded in eye of men and things that we call a waste has God exalted!
We Christians are in a great advantage because we believed in God and what he says in the bible whereas the faith of the atheists is based on their limited thinking which makes the basics of their belief faulty and untrustworthy.
The truth have been hidden from those who think they are scholars, philosophers, doctors... and revealed to the unlearned!
Salvation may not make sense to you, but you got to believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is the son of God and he died for me and you on the cross.
Don't let the atheist brain wash you because the decision they made is based on faith and their limited thinking which should not be relied upon.
Were you touched by this Article and you want to give your Life to Christ Jesus right away. I am grateful if you do and I also know that our father in heaven with the angels will be delighted as well!
Salvation Prayer:
Christ Jesus I know that I am a sinner.
Thank you for dying for my sins on the cross.
I am really grateful for what you have done for me.
Today, I receive you as my lord and my saviour.
Let your Holy Spirit come into my life.
Brethren, you are now a born again Christian! Look for a good church and attached yourself to them. Please remained devoted and committed to the work of lord and Christ Jesus on saviour in his infinite mercy and glory will see you through. Amen.
Christ Jesus I know that I am a sinner.
Thank you for dying for my sins on the cross.
I am really grateful for what you have done for me.
Today, I receive you as my lord and my saviour.
Let your Holy Spirit come into my life.
Brethren, you are now a born again Christian! Look for a good church and attached yourself to them. Please remained devoted and committed to the work of lord and Christ Jesus on saviour in his infinite mercy and glory will see you through. Amen.
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