Jesus told the teacher of the law called Nicodemus that one need to be born again in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven (John 3:1).
This is the reason why we all need to receive Christ as our lord and our saviour; for us to enter into the kingdom. However, this issue of being born again cannot be taken for granted.
You need to receive your own salvation through Christ Jesus so that you can be able to have a passport to heaven. So what are the things that are not the same as being born again?
Right inside you, do you think you are saved? Have you ever used your mouth to confess your sin and say "Christ Jesus I receive you as my lord and personal saviour?" Let's look at the things that are not the same as being born:
Being a Moralist.
It is quite commendable that some people have good morals and behaviour. They don't insult or abuse anybody in any form. But to be sincere with you, being a moralist does not signify that you are a born again.
Being born in a Christian family: When you are born into a Christian family, it does not necessary mean that you are a born again in Christ. Being a pastor's son or daughter is the requirement for you to be classified as a born again Christian.
Being in Church always.
When you are always punctually in church, it does not in any way signify that you are a born again Christian. You can be in the church and dance and shout more than any other person but if you don't receive Christ Jesus as your lord and saviour to be more precise, you are not a haven candidate.
Using Christian Jargon: for the fact that you use a lot of Christian jargons does not mean that you are a born again Christian in Christ. Shouting Hallelujah, Hosanna, Amen, Bless in you and many other jargons can qualify you as a spiritual person in the eye of men but never in the eye of God. You need to be born again (i.e. receive Christ into your life).
Being Principled.
Everybody in this life is principled to start with. You may not realize it, but the moment you say you don't do it though many others do it, it becomes your principle. When you conclude to yourself that you will take what is not yours or you will not have sex before marriage; you are being principled. Your principles do not mean you are a born again period!
Obeying a set of rules and being popular.
Some people are very good when it comes to obeying simple instruction though sometimes I don't. You can as well be popular in your community but that does not mean that you are a born again. Being born again is far much greater than being recognized by people. You may be very famous without Christ and when you die, only but one place is waiting for you which is hell!
Being baptized with water.
Baptism with water though is one of the requirements but not all. Baptism is done to fulfill all righteousness but the main thing that shows that you are a born again is for you to use your mouth to confess your sins unto salvation. Say the prayer the man of God ordered you to pray and yep! You are received into the kingdom.
Being a pastor's friend.
You can be a pastor's friend or a bishop friend and yet not a born again Christian. Those who are near to pastors and ministers are easily fooled by their own thinking that they are already perfect by having prominent men of God as friends; that is no guarantee. If you are one of such people, it will be better if you tell them to give you a lecture about salvation.
Being confirmed.
Being confirmed or receiving any circumcision of any sort does not qualify you as a born again Christian in Christ! You need to add much to it and that is by receiving Christ as your lord and personal saviour.
Christ Jesus is the author and the finisher of our faith, the surest way to believe that you are a born again is for you to say this prayer sincerely to yourself. It is not a prayer for born again Christians, but if you are not sure where you stand I advice you to say this prayer loud to yourself.
Salvation Prayer:
Christ Jesus I know that I am a sinner.
Thank you for dying for my sins on the cross.
I am really grateful for what you have done for me.
Today, I receive you as my lord and my saviour.
Let your Holy Spirit come into my life.
Brethren, you are now a born again Christian! Look for a good church and attached yourself to them. Please remained devoted and committed to the work of lord and Christ Jesus on saviour in his infinite mercy and glory will see you through. Amen.
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