Amazing things do happen, for example in some companies in Japan, the entire staff from the Chief Executive officer down to the cleaner gathers to exercise by laughing before beginning the day every morning. In US and India, laughter clubs are springing up like mushrooms in schools and colleges.
And in medicine, there is a new field called humour therapy, which teaches people to laugh their sickness away (which is also one of my purpose of creating this blog). Very interesting! But the question is: What are the benefits of laughter?
If you have been to a spa before, laughter has the same effects on heart, liver, lungs, kidneys and the other internal organs as the magic fingers of a masseur on your muscles.
It is like taking them out and after another, oiling and massaging them and placing them back in their positions. It enhances blood supply to them and makes them function more efficiently.
It lowers Blood Pressure and the Risks of Heart-related Diseases
There are many causes of high blood pressure and heart-related diseases but the major one is stress.
Stress is caused by high level of such hormones as cortisol, dopamine and epinephrine in the blood. In fact, they are called stress hormones. Laughter lowers the level of such life enhancing and feel-good hormones like endorphins.
Laughter Speeds up Healing
There is a hormone called catecholamine. It plays an important role during your recovery from sickness and injuries by enhancing blood flow, reducing inflammation and increasing your body's energy levels. Laughter stimulates the release of this hormone so that your health can be restored quickly.
Laughter Boosts Your Immune System
Your immune system is what protects you against diseases and infections and one way it does this is by producing what are called antibodies to fight germs. Laughter enhances the release of this hormone so that your health can be restored quickly.
Laughter Keeps You Positive, Cheerful and self-confident
It is difficult, if not impossible, to feel angry, anxious, guilty, stressed or harbour other negative emotions while laughing. Laughter makes you have a light-hearted perspective of things that appear threatening and makes you feel relaxed even when you are under pressure.
Laughter makes it easy for you to connect with other people. As someone said, it is the shortest distance between two people. All these help protect your health.
Laughter Improves memory and Ability to Concentrate
For students, it has been proven that laughter improves memory and ability to concentrate. It helps release examination and other academic stress.
It helps release examination and other academic stress. Surely, that is a good reason for every student to laugh often. More so when there is no lack of opportunities to laugh.
There TV comedies, funny videos and jokes columns and books. You can laugh with friends over some of life's little frustrations and lack of better word, silly things that are all around you.
Importance of laughter can never be finished in one post. Please say what's on your mind with the help of the comment box. Also share this to your friends.
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