Great Tips on How to Save Better Regardless of your Income

Saving money? Can it really be done? The way you live is never determined by how much you get, but how much you can save.

I believe perhaps that we may be able to rub mind together and understand each other from the tips below. Or should we rather fold our hands and say that it cannot be done?

Learn to Stop Spending on Impulse.

What I call spending on impulse is when you buy things without programming for it. Most of the time we spend money on impulse, but there is need to stop it.

The reason why you have to stop spending on impulse is because it can cause you to get bankrupt easily. I could remember when I used to leave my house with pocket money and return empty pocket.

At the first instance, learning how to stop spending on impulse may seem like a dead end; but if you can learn how to stop it, it will help you to manage better.

Don’t Lavish your Wealth on Beleyahal Things

Beleyahal is a Hebrew word which denotes “useless, good-for-nothing, valueless, worthless.” As a person, I believe that you have visions and things with top priorities in your life.

You need to achieve those things first and take a necessary saving step to see that you make it happen.

Spending money on Beleyahal things will only bring ruin to you and also cause you to go bankrupt. Learn how to know things of higher priorities over others.

What is your Opportunity Cost?

Though I was a science student during my secondary school days, I also studied Economics and I enjoyed it a lot. Opportunity cost is the alternative forgone or the sacrificed alternative.

It is just an extension of what I mean by not spending on Beleyahal things. Your opportunity coast is there to determine your ability to choose over large scale of preference.

When you want to buy a bread for $5, but just decided to buy an exercise book for your study with that $5, your opportunity cost becomes the bread you sacrificed to buy the exercise book. It will clearly indicate that you prefer to go hungry rather than not studying your book.

What’s on your mind? Can one live a wealthy and happy life irrespective of his/her income? Was this tips a bit valuable?

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