Going to church is good and praying often is good as well, but if you find it difficult to lend your property to others when they ask you, how do you expect God to answer your prayers and provide you with your needs when you ask him?
Then you will see some people rushing to church to make a confession or for a 21 days fasting for forgiveness, yet they have vowed in their heart that they will never forgive their neighbor about that sin he/she committed.
Let us be logically here, even if you are a great prayer warrior asking for forgiveness, without first forgiving others of the wrong they did to you, what made you think that your prayers will be answered. I can still remember clearly that Jesus said that it is when you forgive others their sins that your father in heaven will forgive you, your own wrong doings as well!
In the same manner, when you help the poor and render care to the sick, it is an act of worship. Jesus said that the merciful ones shall be shown mercy. If you are the type that helps the poor, and something goes wrong in your life, do you think God will just sit back and watch you perish? It is not possible because he knows your worth.
Remember that when you are giving, you should not make a public show of it! Some people do this a lot, so that they may be praised by men. It is better you keep your property than to give it out of pride!
But when you give to charity, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,
So that your deeds of charity may be in secret; and your father who sees in secret will reward you openly (Matthew 6:3-4).
There is two things here, you give in secrets and reap your reward in public. May God cause you to develop the heart of charity and help the less privileged. If there is an orphanage home next to your house or is not far from your house, why not pay them a visit this week? Do you think that people that are not appreciative should be helped? What are some of the benefits one can get from helping others? Use the Facebook comment box or the comment form below. Also use the bookmarking buttons to share this articles to friends.
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