Take your bath regularly. Avoid putting on dirty clothes. Any clothe you have worn especially inner wears should be washed before using it again. Keep your environment Clean.
God’s word when obeyed preserves us from known and unknown dangers. We are required to avoid pre-marital sex both for health purposes and for purity. Pre-marital sex leads to contamination and infectious diseases. Abstinence keeps you healthy and spiritually fit.
Prayer: Help me dear Lord to keep myself pure both spiritually and physically in Jesus name Amen.
You and Your Health 2 (Leviticus 15:25-33 1:1-11)
We are serving a holy, righteous and clean God. He is concerned about our health. Bible says we should present our body holy and acceptable unto God. Do you want to pray to God in a dirty room. Or clean and tidy up the room first before praying?
Don’t say prayer is more important than cleaning the room, which we all know but the fact is that the spirit of God cannot stay with you in a dirty room.
Is God Biased?
Many of us pray for years without having an answer while others pray for a day and the Holy Spirit will take control immediately. Does that imply that the Holy Spirit is biased? No! It is our attitude and the way we keep ourselves. Remember that cleanliness is next to Godliness.
Prayer: LORD, may you help me to keep my bodies clean, holy and acceptable unto you.
Prayer: Help me dear Lord to keep myself pure both spiritually and physically in Jesus name Amen.
You and Your Health 3 (Leviticus 15:13-24)
This passage considers abnormal genital discharge. Almighty God designed every one of us including our sexuality. He wants us to honour him in our body either in secret or public. In the time past, we were unclean and estranged from God Himself but Christ has restored us into holy pattern of life.
His word shows concern also for our physical well-being. You should acknowledge your holy relationship with God in your sexuality. Avoid risky behavior and evil companions that can lead to sin and contamination which often result in ungodly living with its attendant effects.
Prayer: Thank you, LORD, that my sexuality is a gift from you. Memory verse psalm 26:5
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